The Kalgoorlie Golf Club was founded in 1899 and has a long and proud history being one of the top three oldest clubs in Western Australia. In mid−2010 the Club celebrated 111 years of golf in the Goldfields.
This brief history was largely compiled by S.J. Winchcomb (7th September 1935 − 8th January 2005), a former Life Member of our Club.
Syd served as President of the Club between 1981 and 1982 and followed up with a stint as Captain between 1984 and 1985.
He was awarded Life Membership in 1989.
Supplementary details have been added by Past President Paul Tonkin from Club records. Please advise of any errors, omissions or additions by following the link.
View some of the rich history of the Kalgoorlie Golf Club below. A downloadable summary is available by clicking on this link: Kalgoorlie Golf Club
The history will be rounded out with contributions by former members and the location of relevant club records for the past twenty years. Again, any feedback would be welcomed by Past President Paul Tonkin who is attempting to complete the job.
Inaugural Meeting & Name of Club
Minutes of a General Meeting of persons desiring of forming a Golf Club was held at the Hannans Club Kalgoorlie on Wednesday 19 April 1899 at 4:45pm.
R.W. Harvey, Dr. Love, H.P. Jay, H.M. Butler & S.A. Newsham
Chairman of Meeting
Mr. R.W. Harvey was voted to the chair and explained the objects of the meeting.
It was proposed by S.A. Newsham seconded by Dr. Love that a Golf Club be formed to be called the Hannans Golf Club.
Carried unanimously.
Provisional Committee
It was proposed by Dr. Love seconded by H.M. Butler that a provisional committee be formed to consist of R.W. Harvey, Dr. Love, H.P. Jay, H.M. Butler and that S.A. Newsham be appointed provisional Hon. Secretary.
The Provisional Hon. Secretary was instructed to write to the Kalgoorlie Racing Club to obtain permission to lay down links on the Race Course.
The meeting then closed.
Confirmed 24 April 1899, R.W. Harvey, Chairman.
First Committee meeting
The first Committee Meeting was held on the 24th April 1999 at 4.30 p.m. at the Hannah's Club chaired by Mr. R.W. HARVEY and it was resolved that a 9 hole links be laid down on the racecourse.
Rules Adopted
At 9 p.m. that evening (24th April 1899) the second General Meeting of the Club was held at the Palace Hotel, Kalgoorlie and Mr. R.W. HARVEY presided over Messrs H.W. TAYLOR, Dr. A. LOVE, H.M. BUTLER, H.G. DRAPER, Dr. HILL, P.R. DAY, W.J. ISBISTER, C.J. GRIFFITHS and S.A. NEWSHAM. The Rules of the COOLGARDIE GOLF CLUB, as far as they applied to this Club, were accepted with an additional Rule being added as follows:
"Any member of the Committee absenting himself for three consecutive Committee Meetings without a satisfactory explanation to Committee shall cease to be a member of the Committee."
Name Changed
Also at this meeting (only five days after the inaugural meeting) the name of the Club was changed to the "KALGOORLIE GOLF CLUB" by resolution.
The first Captain of the Club was Dr. LOVE.
Mr. S.A. NEWSHAM was elected Hon. Secretary.
Mr. Collingham J. GRIFFITH was appointed Hon Treasurer.
The Committee appointed was R.W. HARVEY, W.J. ISBISTER, Rev E. Gordon SAVILE and H.M. BUTLER.
Thanks were extended to the Kalgoorlie Racing Club for allowing the Club to lay links on the Racecourse and also to Mr. Jim NISBET of the COOLGARDIE GOLF CLUB for laying out the links and for his great assistance he had afforded to the Club.
Foundation Members
At a Committee Meeting held on the 8th May 1899 (Monday) at 8 p.m. the following persons were elected FOUNDATION MEMBERS of the CLUB:
Membership fee of one guinea £; 1.1.0)
Chairman resigns after two months
On the 22nd June 1899 (2 months in existence) the Club suffered their first losses when R.W. HARVEY and H.M. BUTLER resigned. They were replaced on the Committee by Dr. GIBSON and E.C. MILLAR.
The Club was quickly into swing because on the 28th June 1899 (Coronation Day) members of the COOLGARDIE GOLF CLUB were invited to play a "friendly game" at the Kalgoorlie Links.
First Tournament
The first official tournament recorded as being held by the Club was on the 15th and 16th days of July 1899. Nomination fee was 2/6 with handicaps to be fixed by the Committee and members to state on which day they wished to play. Handicaps ranged at scratch (E.C. MILLAR) to a number of players on 18 and it was resolved that the winner would receive two clubs and the runner−up one club. Played over 9 holes.
An offer was extended to the PERTH and COOLGARDIE GOLF CLUBS for any of their members visiting Kalgoorlie to use the Club's Links
First Lady Members
The first women members of the Club were elected on the 14th July 1899. They were Miss Kathleen MATHIESON and Miss BROOKMAN.
After the first season of operation the Club had received £ 44.1.0 with expenditure of £ 36.14.0 to leave a credit balance of £ 7.7.0.
The new Captain was E.C. MILLAR.
Rental for the ground at the Racecourse was set at £ 10.0.0 per annum.
Period 1901−1910 - Click here to view
Period 1901−1910 - Click here to view

During the next four (4) years the Club continued in a quiet way without anything of note to record.
New Site Sought
The minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on the 3rd May 1906 (Thursday) reveals the following:- "New Links: it was resolved that a special Committee consisting of the Officers, Committee and Dr. SCOTT and Mr. De Jersey GRUT, be appointed to go thoroughly into the matter of getting a new links in the Reserve to the north of Lamington Heights, to report to a General Meeting of the Club to be specially called for the purpose.
- Moved by Mr. GRUT that a special effort be made to encourage ladies to join the Club and that matches be arranged for them.''
First Country Members
The first recorded COUNTRY MEMBERS of the Club were elected at the Annual General Meeting on Friday 26th April 1907. They were Messrs R.B. ANDREWS and T. WATSON.
Signs of prosperity were indicated when the Club finished with a Credit Balance of £ 37.0.3 for the 1906−1907 year.
The following report was submitted at the 1907 Annual General Meeting on the matter of obtaining new Golf Links:
"Mr. GRUT reported that the Sub−Committee had done a lot of preliminary surveying during the summer in likely places for a new links and finally selected a site on the Reserve at Lamington. The Government were then approached for permission to lay down a links on the Reserve and their permission obtained; also the permission of the Kalgoorlie Municipal Council and Roads Board. The work of constructing the new links was well forward: four holes nearing completion and the greater portion of the others completed."
Considering that the Club finished with a Credit Balance of £37.0.3 in 1906−1907 the following indicates the initial cost of setting out our present course. It is an excerpt out of the Annual General Meeting minutes of the 28th April 1907:
Financial The Captain reported that the Club's funds would be exhausted by payment of wages up to 27th April for work done in connection with the new links but that current subscriptions would enable them to complete the links and make them in fair order for play assisted of course by usual winter rains."
First Clubhouse at Present Site
The first CLUBHOUSE at our present site is covered in the following taken also out of the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 26th April 1907:
"The Captain also reported that in reply to an application to the Kalgoorlie Racing Club for possession of the small house at present in use as a Golf House on the Racecourse he had received verbal intimation that the Racing Club had decided to donate the house to the Club and that permission had been granted to remove the house and all articles belonging to the Golf Club. It was resolved to write to the Racing Club thanking them for kindness in donating the Clubhouse and also for the free use of the Racecourse during past years."
At a Committee Meeting held on the 13th August 1907 at the Union Bank (now ANZ) the following expenditure was authorised:
- Purchase of Clubhouse - Mr. S.E. HOCKING £ 10.0.0
- Removal of Clubhouse - Piccadilly Street to links £ 14.0.0
- Renovations and additions to Clubhouse and fencing as per John THOMPSON'S account £ 35.0.0
- Resolved that the Clubhouse be insured for £ 100 with the COMMERCIAL UNION INSURANCE COMPANY − Premium 15/−
Links Extended
It was quite obvious that under the guidance of Captain R. YOUNG the Club possessed an enthusiastic hard working and energetic Committee because at the same Committee Meeting (13th August 1907) extension of the links was discussed and it was decided to lengthen the course by a combined total of 273 yards, altering five holes by shifting three tees and making two new greens. About 180 yards of 'scrub' was cleared in front of the teeing ground on most holes of the course and new bunkers (4) were dug out and prepared.
First Meeting at Present Site
The first meeting to be held at our present site was the Annual General Meeting on 25th April 1908 at the new Clubhouse. 17 members were present with Captain R. YOUNG in the Chair. Even in 1908 the Club was subject to the vagaries of a moving population because they started the year with 13 members which increased to 57 but owing to a number of members leaving the district finished 1908 with a membership of 39. However, there were 20 membership applications awaiting Committee action which gave the Club a reasonable strength in numbers.First Mixed Foursomes
This meeting also reveals the first recorded MIXED FOURSOME EVENT which was held on the 5th October 1907, with three prizes being provided for the ladies. They were won by:- MISS FREEMAN
Nine Hole Course
The following extracts were also taken out of the Annual General Meeting minutes of 25th April 1908:
"The new links had been completed and the Club is now the happy possessor of a 9 hole course with a total playing length of 2,588 yards. The Club had also been able to acquire a commodities house for the use of members through the kind assistance of Morgagni who practically made them a present of it.
"A number of Honorary Members had enjoyed the privileges of the links during the year and one gentleman, Mr. J.D. PEARSON, a member of the Fremantle Club had shown his appreciation by presenting a trophy in the shape of a mounted amber cigar holder in a silver case for play during the season. Another gentleman, Mr. P. COYLE, only a visitor during one afternoon in the early part of the season was so impressed with the enthusiasm of the members and the difficulties we had to surmount that he sent a case of real excellent whiskey as a present to the members."
First Life Member: S.E. Hocking
In recognition of services rendered to the Club the 25th April 1908 Annual General Meeting accorded Mr. S.E. HOCKING the honour of becoming the FIRST LIFE MEMBER of the Club.It was reported to the 1908 Annual General Meeting (25th April) that during the season a match had been played against the COOLGARDIE GOLF CLUB which Coolgardie had won and also a match had been conducted against the BOULDER GOLF CLUB which Kalgoorlie had won.
Ladies Barred on Saturday Afternoons
At a Committee Meeting held on the 5th May 1908 the start of a now traditional happening in the Kalgoorlie Golf Club took place when the following was enacted:"Ladies Playing on the Links: resolved that a notice be posted in the Clubhouse that Ladies may not play on Saturday afternoons.''
12 Hole Course
A copy of the scorecard attached to the minutes of a Committee Meeting held on the 5th May 1908 shows a 12−hole course and it is noted that the Hole Names used then continue today but obviously because of relocations and the creation of an 18−hole course the numbers of the holes differ as follows:
Name |
1908 |
Now |
"COPSE" | 5th | 8th |
"TURN" | 6th | 9th |
"DOUBLE BUNKER" | 7th | 10th |
"SPOIN KOP" | 8th | 11th |
"DOG LEG" | 9th | 12th |
"DAM" | 10th | 13th |
"WILLY" | 11th | 14th |
"HOME" | 12th | 18th |
It can be seen in the above table that the original links now form the central part of our present 18 hole course.
Competition Grading
Division came to the Club at the Committee Meeting held on the 4th June 1908. Division in the shape of A and B Grades for competitions which again by tradition has been carried through to this day and in fact has been extended further by the creation of a C Grade.
The following extract was the birthplace of our present−day competition grades:
"Handicaps: Mr. RANDELL proposed and Mr. RUSE seconded that members nominating be divided into two classes and so handicapped."
Obviously the course had been 'prospected' to some degree in the early days because at the same Committee Meeting the following was recorded:
"Future Work Proposed by Mr. RANDELL seconded by Mr. RUSE that a bunker be made on the 8th course in place of the old costeen."
Use of Oil on Greens (or "Browns")
The following extract part of
the Committee Meeting minutes held on the 10th July 1908 indicates that there has been quite a large amount of oil poured onto our greens. For 71 years at least oil has been utilised in the same fashion on our greens.
"Greens The Secretary suggested that one week's labour (J. BOYLE) might be employed to oil the greens. Proposed and seconded that this be done."
This was followed at the next Committee Meeting on the 7th August 1908 as follows:
"Oil for Browns Proposed by Mr. RUSE seconded by Mr. GRUT that a quantity of oil be purchased."
Various references to the"BROWNS" are made in the early minutes of the club.
Course Fenced
A contract was entered into on the 13th December 1909 with Mr. Richard RENFREY to fence the Golf Course Reserve for three shillings (3/−) per chain.
Total cost of the fence was £ 132.4.9 which included:
Contractor R. Renfrey | £ 24.0.0 | |
Extras | £ 8.17.0 | |
Bonus and fracture | £ 4.10.1 | £ 37.7.1 |
550 Iron Posts | £ 27.15.0 | |
Carting same (Dolan) | £ 3.10.0 | £ 31.5.0 |
Timber (Anderson) | £ 32.4.2 | |
Wire (McKenzie) | £ 10.3.9 | |
Wire Strainers (Fimister) | £ 17.2.10 | £ 27.6.7 |
Gate | £ 2.0.6 |
Professional Appointed
The forward thinking policy of the Committee became evident at the Committee Meeting held of the 16th February 1909 when it was resolved to employ a Mr. J. BERMINGHAM as an Instructor under the following conditions:
"Terms of Appointment of J. BERMINGHAM for three months May, June and July. Duties as Instructor limited to the members of the Kalgoorlie Golf Club and to the Ladies associated with the Club. Full time to be devoted to the interests of the Kalgoorlie Golf Club and to the instruction of its members in the game of golf and that no instructions shall be given to any member of another Club during the term of service with the Kalgoorlie Golf Club. Retaining fee at the rate of 30/− week to be paid by the Kalgoorlie Golf Club until date of embarkation at Sydney (14th April) to the end of July next.
That Instructor's return fare to Sydney second class per mail boat and second class return fare, rail, Fremantle to Kalgoorlie be paid by the Kalgoorlie Golf Club. The Committee desire the right to retain services for a further term.
Estimated Costs:
2nd Class Rail Fare − Fremantle to Kalgoorlie | £ 2.19.6 |
17 weeks @ 30/− per week | £ 25.10.0 |
Steamer fare | £ 13.13.0 |
£ 42. 2.6 |
Obviously members were quite satisfied with the services tendered because at a Committee Meeting held on 2nd July 1909 it was confirmed that J. BERMINGHAM'S term of employment be extended until the end of August.
Lease Confirmed & First Trustees
Lease of the links off the Lands Department was confirmed at Committee Meeting held on the 2nd July 1909 and Messrs STUART, YOUNG and RANDELL were elected the FIRST TRUSTEES of the Club.
The following extracts were taken out of the minutes of the Committee Meeting held on the 26th August 1909:
"Correspondence: letter submitted by the COTTESLOE GOLF CLUB re opening of their links was read and passed."
"Ladies: A complaint was submitted by Mr. B.S. SMITH and several members in regard to the playing area being spoilt by the wearing of small heeled boots Messrs YOUNG, GRUT and RANDELL were appointed to avoid a repetition of the complaint.
The Committee were reluctant to join the W.A. GOLF ASSOCIATION as evidenced by the following notation at the Committee Meeting dated the 19th November 1909:
"Golf Association: Letter read submitted by the W.A. Association and moved by Mr. GRUT that the letter be received but that the Club sees no object in joining the Association. Mr. YOUNG to reply."
Constant attention was given to the course and at a Committee Meeting held on the 15th March 1910, alterations and improvements were sanctioned to the 9 holes of the course. The length was extended by a combined total of 294 yards, 7 bunkers were completed and extra clearing took place on 3 holes.
Lease Granted
At the Annual General Meeting held on the 27th April 1910, Mr. R. YOUNG intimated that he would not be standing again for the position of Captain and thus his reign in this position terminated. It is obvious that the Club owes him a great deal because of his involvement in the early formation of policy and tradition of the Club. Mr. E. Thomas RANDELL succeeded him as Captain, however, before he left the chair Mr. YOUNG reported as follows:
- "In the matches with Boulder and Coolgardie Clubs, Kalgoorlie was successful in winning the rubber against both Clubs."
- "A number of Club handicaps, nine in all, had been played during the season, also two very interesting Teams matches were contested and on each occasion the members took a very lively hand in the proceedings."
- "Professional had been employed for 3 months and the members with their lady friends had through his efforts improved very much in their play."
- "Lease of land for links: The Government had granted the Club an annual lease of the ground on which the links ace situated comprising about 150 acres at a yearly rental of one shilling (1/−) This extent of land will give room for extension and increase of links to 18 holes if found necessary. After being granted a lease of the links the Committee took the matter of fencing in hand and carried the work out at a total cost of £ 132.0.0."
- "Debentures: In order to provide funds for the cost of fencing, the Committee decided to call on the members to subscribe to a debenture fund, the money so subscribed to be repaid at the discretion of the Committee as funds permitted. The call was fairly well supported and an amount of £ 100 was raised by this means.
Wednesday Afternoons Reserved
At the same Annual General Meeting (27th April 1910) the following matters were discussed and passed:
The Entrance Fee shall be £ 1.1.0 and the Annual Subscription shall be £ 2.2.0.
Recommendations to the Committee:
- That consideration is given to the question of reserving the links on a Wednesday afternoon for male players as well on Saturdays.
- That local Rules be printed on the back of the scoring cards along with length of courses.
- Handicaps: It was decided on a show of hands to hold handicaps fortnightly.
- The following indicates the high regard in which CAPTAIN R. YOUNG was held by the then members − "Vote of Thanks" to the retiring Secretary and a toast with Musical Honours to the retiring Captain terminated a very successful meeting.
Ladies Allowed on Wednesday Afternoons
Two days after this Annual General Meeting (29th April 1910) the Committee met and the following points are taken out of the minutes of their meeting:
- As to Ladies playing on links on Wednesday afternoons. Decided Ladies be allowed to play on Wednesday afternoons. Secretary to post notice in their room requiring them to allow members to pass when asked to do so.
- Cleaning premises: Resolved that a woman be engaged to clean premises at 5/− per week.
- Repairs to premises: To lay water pipe starting at service to corner post of fence and affix a tap with a drinking mug and to secure same with a chain.
- To purchase linoleum and lay some in all rooms and passage in Clubhouse.
Apparently by 15th June 1910, the number of visitors to the links was increasing because at a Committee Meeting on that date the following was decided upon:
"Boulder and Coolgardie Clubs: Members of admission to the Links: This matter was discussed and the following rule was resolved upon:
Any member may introduce a member of Boulder or Coolgardie Golf Clubs to the privileges of the links (except on Handicap and Match days) on the following conditions:
- For each day or portion of a day 2/6.
- No member may be introduced for more than 5 times in any one year.
- Notification to Secretary must first be given in writing with the fee.
- Introducing member will be held responsible for the fee.
Ladies Tees
The following extracts are taken out of the Committee Meeting minutes held on 28th August 1910:
It was resolved that the following new members be elected:
Painting of Premises: Badbain's tender of £ 6.10.0 was accepted.
Tees for ladies inside courses: Resolved that these be made with the exception of Nos 3 and 8.
Resolved that Mrs. GRIFFITHS' application to provide tea and refreshments on Saturdays and Sundays be granted.
Resolved that a banking account be opened at the Union Bank in the name of the Club.
At the Committee Meeting held on 8th September 1910, the following conditions for a LADIES HANDICAP event were decided upon:
"To be held Wednesday 14th September 1910 at 2.30 p.m. − 9 holes at the ladies tees. A number of members were mentioned as scorers. Handicaps to be held under seal until finish of game."
Period 1911−1920 - Click here to view
Period 1911−1920 - Click here to view
Period 1911−1920
The minutes of Annual General Meeting held on 21st April 1911 shows:
Membership stood at 92 including one Life Member (S.E.HOCKING)
Rule 16b was enacted as follows:
"any youth over 12 and under 21 years of ages, being a son of a member of the Club, may be admitted after nomination and election in accordance with Rule 11 as a Junior Member without entrance fee."
First Junior Member
As a result of the above the first recorded JUNIOR MEMBER of the Club was Hugh J. McKENZIE who was elected at the Committee Meeting held on 30th June 1911.
First Perpetual Trophy
The first perpetual trophy played for was the Ingersoll−Rand Cup, which was won by E. CAPORN.
Speak Cup
This was closely followed by the introduction of the SPEAK CUP on 30th June 1911 (which in still presented to the winner of the Club Championships). This Cup was first won by Dr. WALKER.
Electric Light
The Club was beginning to expand and the minutes of Committee Meeting held on 21st July 1911 reveal:
Resolved that the kitchen be supplied with electric light.
Resolved that two new courses be made on the links. (Cost £ 25.11.8 − meeting 18th August 1911).
Liaison between the then existing Clubs in the State was high as evidenced by the following record taken out of minutes of Committee Meeting held on 27th September 1911:
"Circular received - Fremantle Golf Club advising that a Golf Championship would be held at Fremantle and asking for nominations."
18 Holes
As far as our present course is concerned the following few lines taken out of the minutes of Committee Meeting held on 19th October 1911 hold special significance:
"Extension of Links: after some consideration it was resolved that the making of six additional courses making 18 in all should be proceeded with forthwith."
Caretaker's House
Some concern must have been felt for the security and safe keeping of the Clubhouse and links because at the Committee Meeting held on 3rd April 1912, the following note is recorded:
"Caretaker's House: Mr. Hodgson reported that a wood and iron camp lined with flat iron inside and weather board outside, 10 feet x 12 feet could be purchased and placed on the links at a cost £ 24.5.0. He also reported that the camp had one window and one room and that a fireplace would be supplied and included in the above cost.
Resolved that Mr. Hodgson arrange for purchase of camp and transit to links."
Ladies' Play
At the same Meeting the Rules governing the play by Ladies on the links were expanded as follows:
"Provision for Ladies to Play on Links: any Lady who has a father, husband or brother a full member of the Club may be admitted to play on the links under the following Rule:
- Nomination by two Ladies already enjoying privileges.
- Entrance Fee 10/−. Subscription 30/− p.a. payable on the 1st April and not later than 1st May in each year.
Days on which Ladies can play to be fixed by Committee. Ladies shall take no part in the management of the Club.
At the next Committee Meeting (15th May 1912), Mrs. Argyle, Mrs. Brougham and Miss Leslie were elected to membership of the Club.
Club Flag
The Club was gradually getting organised and looking to the future because at the Committee Meeting held on 15th May 1912, it was resolved that Messrs RANDALL, VARDEN and THYNE be elected as a sub−committee to consider the colours and design for a Club Flag. At the 29th May 1912 meeting it was resolved to send a letter to Mrs. B.A. SHAW thanking her for presenting the Club with a House Flag. (At this stage still no details of colours or design given.)
The formation of the W.A. GOLF ASSOCIATION was being undertaken and in answer to correspondence received at the Committee Meeting on 24th June 1912, the Secretary of this Club was instructed to advise that we did not approve of their Constitution. Objection was that the control of the Association was in the hands of four (4) delegates out of three (3) Clubs only and no voice in management was given to other Clubs.
At the Committee Meeting held on 8th August 1912, correspondence was received - Mr. G. BROWN, Captain of the Beverly Golf Club re the W.A. Golf Association and it was "Resolved that the W.A. Golf Association is not representative of golf in this State and that a second Golf Association is not favourably considered. A reply to be sent to Mr. Brown to this effect stating that the Committee of Kalgoorlie Golf Club fully agree with his views as to the Constitution of the Association."
Under correspondence item of minutes out of the Committee Meeting held on 7th April 1913, the following is recorded:
"The W.A. Golf Association, enclosing copies of the Constitution as altered in accordance with the suggestions made by the Goldfields and Country Clubs and also notifying the date of the Annual General Meeting. It was decided to refer the matter to the new Committee."
Inwards correspondence at Committee Meeting held on 21st April 1913 included the following:
"Letter sent by the W.A. Golf Association was duly read and discussed but any answer to same was deferred until the Committee received a report through Dr. Walker as to whether the Boulder Golf Club would be likely to join or otherwise. Secretary instructed to send a copy of the W.A. Golf Association Rules to the Coolgardie Golf Club."
Report given at Committee Meeting on 9th May 1913 as follows:
"Dr. WALKER advises that the Boulder Golf Club was quite willing to fall in with the Kalgoorlie Golf Club in this matter and would be quite willing to halve the expenses, even if the Coolgardie Golf Club wished to stand out. The Secretary was instructed to get in communication with the respective Secretaries re the matter and to mention that in the event of them wishing or desiring us to appoint a delegate that Mr. WELLSTED of Perth would act as such."
WAGA Delegate
Committee Meeting 25th June 1913: Proposed by Dr. WALKER seconded Mr. HODGSON that Mr. WELLSTED of Perth should be asked to act as the Goldfields' Delegate to the W.A. Golf Association.
Admitted to WAGA
Committee Meeting 28th August 1913: "letter received by W.A. Golf Association notifying that the Kalgoorlie, Boulder and Coolgardie group were duly admitted under Article 2."
Annual General Meeting, 8th April 1914: "A letter by the W.A. Golf Association was put before the meeting asking for a subscription of 1/− paid by all members to enable them to present a permanent trophy in connection with the Amateur Championships."
Committee Meeting 23rd April 1914: "Treasurer instructed to forward a cheque representing 1/− per member to W.A. Golf Association in connection with their request re permanent trophy."
Committee Meeting 27th May 1914: "It was resolved that the previous resolution be amended and that a cheque for £ 2.2.0 be sent."
On 24th June 1912, the bogey of the course was set at 87. (At present we have a par 71 with an A.C.R. of 68.)
Fraser and Chalmers Cup
The Fraser and Chalmers Cup was first introduced on 8th August 1912 and in still competed for to this day.
Meeting 19th September 1912: Accommodation for Ladies was discussed and all that is recorded is "The subject was discussed at length."
Meeting 7th April 1913 − Professional: it was resolved that HORSBURGH be allowed to act as Professional during the coming season. (Note: there are several references to this professional golfer in the minutes but in all cases it is written as plain HORSBURGH − a sign of the employer−employee relations of 1912.)
Life Membership to G.P. Stuart
Annual General Meeting, 17th April 1913 â€" "The Chairman moved that Mr. STUART should be elected a Life Member of the Club under Rule 17 in return for the invaluable services rendered. Mr. YOUNG seconded with some very appropriate words."
Goat Problem
Annual General Meeting, 17th April 1913: Mr. YOUNG suggested "Pepper trees" be planted on the course and said he was aware the greatest expense would be tree guards. The Chairman agreed it was an excellent idea if only someone could suggest the most suitable way of killing the goats."
Committee Meeting held on 17th May 1915, shows the following:
Members on Active Service
"Proposed by Mr. VAIL seconded by Mr. VARDEN that all members away on "active service" should be considered full members until the [Editor's Note: Text at this point has been truncated.]
Ladies' Committee
Proposed by Mr. HODGSON seconded by Dr. WALKER that the Ladies belonging to the Kalgoorlie Golf Club be invited to meet together with a view of forming a Ladies' Committee to try and forward the interests of the Club in the way of obtaining new Lady members. The Secretary was duly instructed to write to each Lady member for this purpose.
Committee Meeting of 8th July 1915 shows that the Club had 66 full members eight Ladies, six country and two juniors.
Nothing Changes
The problem of outstanding subscriptions occurred in these days of the Club as evidenced by the extract taken out of the minutes of Committee Meeting held 22nd April 1916:
"A general discussion took place as to the best means of refreshing bad memories re backward subscriptions but as nothing tangible was arrived at the matter was allowed to drop."
Income Tax
Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 8th May 1917 reveals an alarming situation in that "INCOME TAX of £ 6.11.2 had been paid under protest and the Treasurer said that he would write to Mr. RANDELL in Perth to inquire as to what the Fremantle and Perth Clubs had done in the matter."
1919 appeared to be a quiet year and the only item of note to appear was that the Treasurer reported "That a deputation of Ladies had waited on him with the view of arranging a foursome and putting competition to raise funds for the 'French Comfort Funds'. Resolved that the request of the Ladies be acceded to and the 'French Comforts Day' be held on Saturday 13th July."
Nurses Honorary Members
1919 was similarly quiet and the following extracts are worth noting:
Committee Meeting 22nd June 1919: "It was resolved that all Nurses of Government Hospital also all Military Nurses be made Honorary Members of the Golf Club."
Committee Meeting 24th September 1919:
"It was resolved that individual members be requested not to burn the grass."
Period 1921 − 1930 - Click here to view
Period 1921 − 1930 - Click here to view
Period 1921 − 1930
Life Membership to E.T. RandallCommittee Meeting 6th November 1921: After many years of service as Captain of the Club, Mr. E.T. RANDALL was forced to resign due to transfer away from Kalgoorlie. It was unanimously agreed that he be made a Life Member of the Club.
For the balance of this decade play proceeded quietly. Mr. S.E. HOCKING was Captain for most of this period. Membership increased slightly and each year the Club finished with credit balances in excess of £ 200.0.0.
Period 1931 − 1940 - Click here to view
Period 1931 − 1940 - Click here to view
Period 1931 − 1940
The Club commenced this decade with a strong membership in excess of 100 and a credit balance of £ 243.4.3.
Bogey of the course was fixed at 76 at Committee Meeting held on 8th June 1933.
The balance of the period was again quiet although membership increased quite significantly to 142 members in 1939. The Club proved to be solvent and credit balances were recorded in each year.
A.D. Kyle Joins Club
Records show that one of out past esteemed Life Members in Alfred Dunsmore KYLE joined the Club on 10th May 1934. It is with sadness that we heard of Mr. Kyle's recent passing. He took a most active part in the organization of this Club being Captain in 1949 − 1950 and President in 1957 − 1962, besides serving on the Committee for a great many years.
F.C. Bray Joins Club
This obviously was an important decade in the history of the Club. Everything was carried out in grand style in the Club for the game of golf and of course the Second World War commenced in 1939 and the midst of all this it is recorded that one Frank Clifton BRAY, C/− Zimmer & Ruby, officially paid his initial membership fees on the 9th July 1938. Frank has been a member of this Club since that time and presently holds the coveted position as PATRON of the Kalgoorlie Golf Club. He has served as an active Committeeman on a number of occasions and his skill as a golfer is evidenced by the fact that he was Club Champion in 1948, 1951, 1953, 1956, 1957, 1959 and 1959. This skill is still obvious in Frank's game today.
W.T. Wallis Competes for First Time
Unfortunately records are a little sketchy for 1939 − 1940 but by a process of elimination and cross checking of competition books it has been established that William T. WALLIS competed in his first event at our Club as a financial member in May 1939. Bill still continues his membership today and has served the Club as Captain during 1970 − 1971 and additionally served with great distinction on our Committee over a number of years. Bill is our earliest Club Champion still competing today in that he won the Championship in 1944.
Incorporation of Club
The Club was incorporated in 1938 and on 18th October 1938 a fee £ 26.1.0 was paid to Stables and Clarkson (Solicitors) to cover the fees of same.
Period 1941 − 1950 - Click here to view
Period 1941 − 1950 - Click here to view
Period 1941 − 1950
Insurance Against War Damage
Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 14th May 1942 shows "Club House and premises covered against war damage to the amount £ 500.0.0."
The following extracts taken out of minutes of Committee Meeting held on 9th November 1942 reveal that the Club was facing hard times. (This of course was in the midst of the Second World War.)
"After much discussion on the financial position of the Club, Mr. MEREDYTH moved and Mr. PARIS seconded that we carry on until such time as things begin to look desperate."
Moved HOCKING seconded PARIS that Mrs. FARRELLY be given a fortnight's notice and that she be thanked for past services to the Club, also that Mrs. Farrelly continue to live at the Golf House, rent−free in the position of Caretaker."
Committee Meeting, 2nd March 1943:
"Mr. P. JOHNSON offered to get on with the job to obtain Petrol tickets for V. HILL and Lew WILLIAMS." (Petrol rationing then being in force.)
Committee Meeting, 10th April 1943:
"Secretary explained that old balls had to be returned before new ones could be purchased and several members promised to hand in old balls."
Shortage of Golf Balls
Because of the War, golf balls must have been very scarce as shown by the following details out of Committee Meeting minutes of 15th [Editor's Note: Text at this point has been truncated and continues as follows.] …as trophies be rescinded and that all competitions, excepting those for Cups, be sweepstakes which the winner shall receive 7/6d if the entry exceeds ten or half the pool if the entry is ten or less."
Committee Meeting, 20th July 1943: "It was decided that owing to the scarcity of golf balls cash to the value of trophies previously approved should be paid to the winners of competitions not later than the Saturday following the winning of the trophy.
War Rationing
Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 18th April 1944: "Rationing Commission refusing permit for a butter ration at the Club House." (Note: Butter and tea were also rationed during the War and it was necessary to produce Ration tickets in order to be able to purchase these commodities − similar to petrol.)
Reconditioned Golf Balls
Minutes of Committee Meeting, 27th July 1944: "Correspondence received - Golf Association re reconditioned golf balls.
Minutes of Committee Meeting, 17th October 1944: "Correspondence received - Boans Limited with details of recovering of balls."
Minutes of Committee Meeting, 13th March 1945: "Balls: moved by Mr. DON that any member requiring new balls to hand in 2 old ones before being supplied with a new one."
Committee Meeting, 15th August 1945: "Correspondence − Outward re tea ration. Inward granting 4lbs per month for four months."
Opening Days are Grand Affairs
The "Opening Day" of each season was a grand affair and was carried out with a great deal of pomp and ceremony. The Committee Meeting minutes of 18th April 1944 show the following details which are typical of most previous "Opening Days" of the season:
"It was decided to ask the Mayor, Mr. MOORE, to officially open the course on Opening Day, 30th April at 4 p.m. − a car to be put at his disposal for the occasion. In the event of Mr. Moore not being available, Mr. STOTTER (Warden and Stipendiary Magistrate) was to be approached. Invitations be sent to the R.S. and Coolgardie Golf Clubs, also R.A.A.F. Mr. Don agreed to be at No.1 tee to arrange for players going out and Messrs Paris and Tupper to attend to handicapping.
PROGRAMME | Prizes to be as follows Mixed Foursomes value 10/− Putting value 5/− Long Drive value 5/− |
CATERING | Ladies to be asked to being a plate. Mrs. Farrelly to attend to tea. Associates also asked to provide tea towels for the occasion. |
REFRESHMENTS | 15 gallons of beer to be provided. 30/− of sandwiches. Mrs. Farrelly to receive 20/− and her assistant 15/." |
Vandalism by Members
Were the Committee a little lenient in 1944? The following is taken taken out of the minutes of Committee Meeting held on 22nd August 1944: Mr. DON moved a vote of thanks to Mr. WILLIAMS for his work in connection with the installation of 12 new seats (on the course). Mr. Williams complained of the vandalism perpetrated by members on Sunday 20th August in defacing the cement bases of the seats.
Mr. PARIS moved that a notice be posted in a prominent position at the Clubhouse stating that the Committee considers the action of members in defacing work done by Mr. Williams is a reflection on their mentality. Seconded by Mr. Don. Mr. DOHERTY moved an amendment that the Captain endeavours to ascertain the names of members responsible for defacing the cement work and express to them the disapproval of the Committee. Seconded by Mr. JONES. The amendment was carried and the motion therefore lapsed. Mr. Don moved that a further 12 seats be ordered off Mr. G. CURRIE.
The ramp, pergola and main entrance way to the course was constructed by Mr. G. Currie and completely installed by 5th December 1944.
Liquor Licence
The commencement of a new era began at the Special General Meeting held on 10th December 1945:
"Purpose of Meeting: the President explained the reason for which the meeting was called, viz: to consider the following commendation of Committee:
- That alterations be made to the Clubhouse as per rough plan submitted with a view to obtaining a license and holding regular dances and other social junctions. Considerable discussion ensued after which Mr. ELLIOTT moved that the Committee's recommendation be adopted and put in hand immediately. Seconded by Mr. CLARKSON and carried unanimously.
Finance: After prolonged discussion, Mr. DOHERTY moved that the money be raised by debentures, free of interest. Seconded by Mr. WILLIAMS. An amendment moved by Mr. J. PARKER, seconded Mr. DON that the Subscriptions be raised was lost and the motion carried.
The meeting closed at 10 p.m. after which members enjoyed a convivial glass of ale.
Committee Meeting, 1st July 1946: "Subscriptions: In order to comply with Licensing Laws it was resolved to recommend to the General Meeting to be held on Saturday 6th July, after play, that subscriptions in future be −
- £ 3. 3. 0 Gentlemen
- £ 1.10. 0 Associates
Alterations and Additions to the Clubhouse
Alterations and additions to the Clubhouse were continuing through this period and the following extracts are taken taken out of the minutes of Committee Meeting held on 17th April 1947: Building Alterations: Mr. KYLE reported on behalf of the House Committee that the work should be completed for Opening Day."
Thunder Boxes
"Sanitary Arrangements: The inadequacy in the Associates' section was discussed at length. Dr. DAVIS moved and Mr. HOCKING seconded that we communicate with the Roads Board regarding the provision of three thunder boxes and that Mr. WATSON make the necessary arrangements."
Minutes of Meeting, 11th September 1947: "Building Committee − Mr. COLLINS reported that no application for a Building Permit had been made to date but the Committee recommended the inclusion of an office and also up to date ladies lavatories in the General Building Plan. They further required two lights to be installed on the lawn."
Life Membership to Dr. B.A. Moore
At the Annual General Meeting held 9th April 1946, Dr. BA MOORE was elected a Life Member of the Club in recognition of many years of service in the interests of the Club.
Forerunner to EGGA
Perhaps the following represents the forerunner of the Eastern Goldfields Golf Association Championships taken out of the minutes of Committee Meeting held on 3rd June 1946:
Goldfields Championships: Mr. STUART suggested that we run an Open Goldfields Championship this year. Mr. HILL moved that the idea be implemented and the date fixed for 21st July. The form of play to be 36 holes of stroke. Seconded by Mr. STUART and carried. Mr. HOCKING moved that entries for championships be limited to handicapped players of 12 or under. Seconded Mr. REDPATH. An amendment moved by Mr. STUART and seconded by Mr. WILLIAMS that the Limit be 15 was lost and the motion carried.
Minutes of Committee Meeting 1st July 1946:
It was further resolved: to hold a B Grade Championship in conjunction. Open to players of handicap of 13 and over.
Nomination Fees Championships 2/6d. Sweepstake 1/−d.
Trophies: Club to donate Open Championship − value £ 5. 5. 0 â€" other trophies various donors.
- Open Runner−up
- B Grade Champion
- B Grade Runner−up
- Open and B Grade Handicap
Trophies offered to date: Bray & Co, V.J. Hill and Freedmans.
Nominations to close 19th August.
Minutes of Committee Meeting, 17th March 1947:
"Open Championships:: Discussion was instigated by Dr. DAVIS upon the holding of an 'A' Grade Goldfields Championship and the outcome was a resolution that the Match Committee confer with the Returned Soldiers Club upon the holding of such."
Minutes of Committee Meeting, 17th April 1947:
"Open Championship: Mr. DON (Vice Captain) reported on a conference with the R.S. Club and in that he discovered that they had already approached the Golf Association (State) to hold this year's Championship and that a date had been granted to them. After discussion, the Committee agreed that nothing could be done in this matter. Mr. DON then advanced that he had secured the approval of the R.S. Club to hold the Eastern Goldfields A and B Grade Handicap event on our links. He further advised that he had approached this Club (R.S.) in regard to the formation of a Goldfields Golfing Association and that they had agreed to same."
Apparently such an Association was formed but must not have functioned as a viable entity because of this reference out of the minutes of Committee Meeting held on 11th September 1947:
"Eastern Goldfields Golf Association": Mr. COLLINS moved, seconded by Mr. I. WILLIAMS that the Club write to both the R.S. and Coolgardie Golf Clubs intimating that we are desirous that the Eastern Goldfields Golf Association be reformed at an early date and we therefore request them to send two delegates to a meeting at the Kalgoorlie Golf Clubhouse for this purpose, the same to be held on the 9th October 1947, at 8 p.m."
EGGA Formed
Meeting 9th October 1947:
Eastern Goldfields Golf Association: The Captain reported on the formation thereof with the Clubs of Kalgoorlie, R.S. Golf Club and Boulder and Coolgardie Golf Clubs being represented. Mr. D. NETTE being appointed temporary Chairman and Mr. C. BROWN the Secretary. It was decided to invite the Norseman Club to join the Association so that a delegate representation could be secured with the Golf Association in Perth."
The Associates at this stage of proceedings were holding their competitions on a Wednesday afternoon and regular references occur to the point of a number of men playing on the course on that day (n.b. in 1947 the working week consisted of Wednesday afternoon off and working Saturday).
The following taken out of the minutes of Committee Meeting held on 17th April 1947 cleared up the point and reaffirmed the previous motion of 5th May 1908 regarding Saturday play:
"Conference with Associates: Mr. DON reported on the successful outcome of the Conference in regard to the declaring of Wednesday as an open day.
Motion: Moved by Mr. DON and seconded by F. DAVIS that no man be allowed to play on Thursday afternoons and no Associates on Saturday afternoon after 1 p.m. Carried."
Fruit Machine
The commencement of a new era in the finances of the Club started with the following motion moved at Committee
Meeting on 5th June 1947:
"Fruit Machine: Dr. DAVIS moved seconded Mr. HOCKING that the Fruit Machine be purchased for the sum of £ 52. 0. 0 and that Messrs KYLE and WAINWRIGHT be in sole charge of the machine for the first month of its operation, the keys then being passed to the Secretary and Caretaker."
Meeting of 11th September 1947:
"The gross takings on the Fruit Machine amounted to £ 231. 0. 0." Finance Committee recommended that a sum of £ 200. 0. 0 be transferred to a Building Fund and that a new Fruit Machine be purchased."
In the month to 6th October 1947, the Fruit Machines brought in £ 108. 5. 9 and the Bar £ 150. 5. 9.
At the 31st December 1949, receipts by Fruit Machines were £ 1266.12. 6 for a nett profit of £ 1175. 0. 2. To December 31st 1950, £ 1207.16. 3 was received for a nett profit of £ 1113.11. 9. Members subscriptions were £ 846.16. 9 and £ 942. 6. 9 respectively with a total of 370 members to 31st December 1950.
Committee Meeting of 27th November 1953: [Editor's Note: Text at this point has been truncated.] …time to let others have a turn. Discussion then took place as to whether a notice should be put up setting a limit to the number of tokens which could be played successively while other prospective players were waiting. Finally it was moved Mr. BROWN seconded Mr. WALKER that the present conditions be allowed to stand but if further complaints are received they be reported to the Committee for further action."
Extract taken out of minutes of Committee Meeting held on 28th September 1956:
"Committee discussed and approved a recommendation to have notices placed above the machines requesting members to limit their play to six tokens per person at any one time when others are waiting."
Beginning of the End for the Machines
Committee Meeting minutes of 23rd November 1956 shows the Club were forced to do away with their Poker and Fruit Machines in order to maintain their License: "Letter submitted by Stables and Clarkson advising that the Club's License had been renewed subject to the removal of the Fruit Machines by the 31st December 1956."
Revival of Boulder Golf Club
There was and still is a great deal of companionship, spirit and brotherhood amongst the golfers in Kalgoorlie−Boulder when the following are read:
Minutes of 14th August 1947:
"R.S.L. Building Fund: this competition was mentioned in a letter from the R.S. Club of 5th August and referred to a competition on their links on 24th August. Moved by Mr. CLARKSON seconded Mr. HOCKING that the Secretary advise the R.S. Club of our willingness to cooperate and that steps be taken to publicise the matter prominently for the members of this Club."
Minutes of Meeting 9th October 1947:
"Boulder Club. The Captain notified the meeting of a deputation from the Boulder Golf Club waiting to interview the Committee. Standing Orders suspended. Mr. R.W. WILSON was then brought in and introduced to the President and Committee by the Captain. After a cordial welcome by the President, Mr. Wilson advised of the pending revival of the Boulder Golf Club. He continued by stating that they fully expected the R.A.A.F. buildings would be clear of their links at an early date and that they would have the links in playable condition by next Easter. His object in coming to this Club was to ask the Club to allocate a day for competition purposes on our links, the proceeds of which were to go towards the fund for reconditioning the tees and greens of their own Club. The Committee agreed to assist the Boulder Club in any way possible and after thanking the Club, Mr. Wilson left."
It was then decided to hold such a day with all bar profits, Fruit Machine profits and other profits going to the Boulder Golf Club. (n.b. Minutes of Meeting 13th November 1947 shows that approximately £ 25. 0. 0 was raised and passed to the Boulder Golf Club.)
Charity Day
Minutes of Committee Meeting 13th May 1949:
"Mr. COLLISTER moved that the Golf Club have a Charity Day and the proceeds to be shared between the Legacy Club and the Free Kindergarten. Seconded Mr. ADAM and Carried."
Since the 1949 Season, the annual "Legacy Day" has been a regular competition on our list of fixtures. In this first official Legacy Day… [Editor's Note: Text at this point has been truncated.]
Programme | Morning | 9 hole stroke Men |
9 hole stroke Associates | ||
Afternoon | 9 hole Mixed Foursomes |
In addition an Approach and Putting Competition be held for the Associates and a Long Drive to be held for the men.
Invitations Coolgardie Club − notifying them that they were associated with us and that it was a combined effort. At the same time notifying them of all arrangements made.
In addition the following Clubs were to be invited:
- Comas Golf Club
- Hannans Club
- Kalgoorlie Bowling Club
- Kalgoorlie Club
- Boulder Bowling Club
- Goldfields Tattersalls Club
- All Tennis Clubs
- Mines & City Workers Clubs
General Arrangements
- Greens' Committee to arrange Penalty areas on Course (No.4) and to prepare a target on No.8 green. Also to mark No.1 fairway.
- Social Committee to arrange "refreshments" on course (Dog Leg Green Area) and also to arrange lunch.
- Methods of raising funds to be limited to Golf, Machines and Raffles.
- Committeemen and anyone else to endeavour to obtain donations of items to be raffled etc.
- A donation ex Bar and Machines to be considered after the day.
- All penalties to cover both the morning and afternoon play.
- Entrance fees be changed for all Competition (6d. shot for putting etc.)
- Dr. Davis to attend to publicity.
- Messrs Wainwright and Kyle to contact Mesdames Collins and Fargus to acquaint them with the arrangements made so far so that the Associates can assist in making the day a success.
- Secretary to obtain raffle books.
Donation to Legacy
The final result of this Legacy Day is recorded in the Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 23rd August 1949 as follows:
The Secretary reported that the Final Returns for Legacy Day showed a nett result £ 78.18. 2 to which was added £ 8. 1. 0 submitted by the Coolgardie Golf Club.
Total £ 86.19.02.
Mr. A. KYLE moved that the Club donate £ 13. 0.1, etc and so to make the Club's effort up to One Hundred Pounds. Seconded by Mr. R.G. COLLINS and carried.
First Scratch Marker
Committee Meeting 12th October 1949:
"It was decided to act on the resolution of a previous meeting and present a pewter suitably inscribed to R. WILLIAMS as the first Club Member to officially reach the scratch mark.
The previous resolution took place on 11th August 1949 under the Match Committee report of Captain A. Kyle as follows:
- "It was reported that R. Williams had been reduced to a scratch handicap for Club Competitions and the Secretary on the motion of Mr. J. Wainwright seconded by Mr. W. Annear was directed to write a letter of congratulations to Mr. R. Williams and to request official confirmation of the handicap for all other competitions including A.V. Gibbings, Secretary, W.A. Golf Association."
The par for, the course in 1949 was 73.
Period 1951 − 1960 - Click here to view
Period 1951 − 1960 - Click here to view
Period 1951 − 1960
Life Membership to Dr. H. Davis
Annual General Meeting of 16th Match 1951 records the bestowal of Life Membership on Dr. H. DAVIS for his long and sterling service to the Club.
Par Rating Reduced to 71
Committee Meeting of 28th February 1952: Moved Mr. Collins seconded Mr. Davis that the incoming Committee consider reducing the bogey of this course to the par value of 71."
Committee Meeting of 26th June 1953: "Letter was read submitted by the Western Australian Golf Association advising that the Course Revision Committee agrees that the standard scratch score of this Club should be 71."
Associates Put Hand Out
The following records some of the interesting and varied matters discussed at Committee Meeting on 23rd June 1954:
"Letter submitted by Associates requesting that the takings put in the token machines starting at 1 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. on their Open Day in July be donated to them. This agreed to."
"Letter submitted by Gimbley and Co suggesting that Hot Bonox be served in the bar. Moved, seconded and carried that no action be taken."
Course Too Easy
"Greens Committee: Mr. Stuart reported in the absence of Mr. Davis. He considered that the greens were getting too big and the course was too easy and that it would be improved with additional bunkers. Moved Mr. Elvey seconded Mr. Penrose that the Greens Committee plan and peg out places where it was considered bunkering should be done, so that the proposed bunkers may be inspected by the full Committee for its approval."
Preferred Lie
"PREFERRED LIES: Moved Mr. Bray seconded Mr. Stuart that when a player is not satisfied with his lie on the fairway he may lift the ball and scrape the area with a circular motion of the foot and replace the ball in the centre of the smoothed area."
Committee meeting of 25th August 1954, records the following which seems to suggest that our course was easy or the Committee was being hard on members of other clubs:
"Moved Mr. Brennan seconded Mr. Stuart that the handicap of new players coming to this Club be reduced to three quarters of their handicap of their previous Club." In view of handicapping being on a S.S.S. basis this motion was rescinded at Committee Meeting on 30th September 1955.
Disaster Strikes
Disaster struck in November 1956, when advice was received that the Licensing Count of W.A. had renewed the Club's License subject to the Poker Machines being removed by the 31st December 1956. These were a great revenue earner for the Club and a great deal of building and additions to the Clubhouse plus work on the course had been undertaken mainly as a result of the money received by the machines.
Belt Tightening
As a result of this, Committee tightened the reins on spending and introduced a number of revenue saving cuts which included:
- Playing fee increased - 2/− to 4/− per day.
- Sponsors to be sought for trophies to do away with Club trophies.
- Punchboards to be introduced.
- Car allowance for Club Manager to cease.
- Holiday pay to Club Manager reduced - 4 weeks to 3 weeks.
- Services of Assistant Barman and Greens keeper be terminated.
- Bar prices be increased to those of hotels.
- A levy of 30/− per member and 10/− per Associate be made.
- Cheese and biscuits provided in the bar be stopped immediately.
- Secretary's honorarium ( £ 400 p.a.) be discontinued.
The Club finished 1956 with a credit balance of £ 310.15. 1 and as at 31st December 1957 this had increased to £ 816. 11. 10 which showed that the economy measures implemented had the desired effect. The credit balance was as high as £ 1804.14. 6 during the year.
Scrapers for Greens
The use of our present day scrapers for use on the greens originated on 26th April 1957. This was another economy measure introduced at that time to do away with the employment of green boys who were a regular feature of the golf course up until that time. The minutes at that meeting reads:
"The matter of employing green boys was fully discussed and it was moved by Mr. Ince seconded Mr. Buckett that an approved design of T−Scraper be adopted for use on the greens.
Strong fields were evident in this period and for the 1957 season an average of 63 players competed each competition and this increased to 74 players in 1958.
AC Power
This decade ended on a quiet note with Mr. D.E. Grimm taking over as Secretary and the electrical wiring of all buildings was connected to A.C. power.
Period 1961 − 1970 - Click here to view
Period 1961 − 1970 - Click here to view
Period 1961 − 1970
Ladders Erected
The ladders around the course at the 2nd, 17th and 18th were erected as a result of the following taken out of the minutes of Committee Meeting held on 28th June 1961:
"Mr. McDonald produced a model of a ladder which he was prepared to have made and installed at various places around the course to enable players to sight the fall of the ball." The old tee at the 4th also had a ladder erected.
Preferred Lie
Committee Meeting of 27th September 1961:
"Moved Mr. Buckett seconded Mr. Cahill that one club length be allowed on all fairways." This marks the commencement of our present day preferred lie which has been amended slightly by adding the words "of the fairway being played."
During the period September 1961 to December 1964, the Club showed steady increase in membership and extended the bar of the Clubhouse at a cost of £ 2,000.
J.A.C. (Alan) Hicks was Captain for 1963−4 with W.S. Pember the Vice Captain. Harley Walker was on the Greens Committee. Other present day members in J.C. McDermott and. W.D. Steel were members of the Committee.
Attempts were made in July and August 1963 to increase the length of our present No. 7 hole and make it a par 4 so that the par for the course would be 72. Committee decided against this action and the course remains as is today.
Decimal Currency
By July 1966, the Club geared itself for the change to decimal currency by purchasing a new cash register. Minutes show the debit balance at $791.31 but charges of 10/− for championship lunches were made.
Life Membership to A.D. Kyle
Mr. A.D. KYLE was made a Life Member of this Club at the 1966 Annual General Meeting. He joined the Club in 1934 and played a most active role in the overall administration and organization of it by being President 1957−62; Captain 1949−1950 and of course a Committee member over a great many years.
Muschamp Trophy
The "Mugs Mug" trophy was commenced at Committee Meeting of 13th June 1967 as follows: "Bishop C.E.G. Muschamp's offer of trophy be accepted with thanks and be awarded to the most improved limit marker for year.
Meeting 10th October 1967: this was clarified by Bishop Muschamp as "the limit player who reduced his handicap most during the season".
Scroungers Competition
Extract of the minutes of Committee Meeting held on 19th February 1968: "Scroungers Competition: after discussion, K. Folwell proposed that Messrs H. Walker and J. Matthew look into this matter and present details to the next Committee Meeting."
Committee Meeting 11th Match 1968: "Scroungers Competition: the meeting carried a motion moved by J. Matthew seconded J. McDermott that a Scroungers Competition be conducted and open to members of affiliated Clubs – J. Matthew offered to conduct these fixtures. This Committee recommends to the Scroungers Club that the Competition be of 9 holes and that the bar will be open at 4 p.m."
75th Anniversary
The 75th Anniversary of Kalgoorlie was celebrated in 1968 and the Club made the E.G.G.A. Winter Cup fixture held at our course a special event to record the occasion. Records show that this was one of the most successful days of the year.
Kalgoorlie Golf Club delegates moved at an Association Meeting that Murray Dawson (Perth) be asked to come to Kalgoorlie to look at and rate all the courses here.
Minutes of Committee Meeting of 9th July 1968 show the following record: "D. Hamilton reported on the recent visit of Murray Dawson who had stated that the course was a fine one, the greens in particular being equal to any he had seen. J.A.C. Hicks elaborated on Mr. Dawson's visit and after some discussion it was agreed that the Greens Committee study Mr. Dawson's report when it arrives and that the question of removing any rough on the 4th fairway be discussed at a later meeting."
Course Re−Rated
Minutes of Committee Meeting 13th August 1968: "Course S.S.S. − J.A.C. Hicks reported on having studied the reply submitted by Mr. Dawson and also having spoken to him. Acting on Mr. Dawson's advice it was agreed that the score cards in future be stamped − W.A.G.A. S.S.S. 69."
H. Walker reported that the course would be in good condition for the Club Championships. The Greens Committee had lopped some trees and removed some shrubs as recommended by Murray Dawson."
Committee Meeting of 9th June 1970 records details of fire which completely wrecked the bar and other sections of the Clubhouse. Quotes were received as follows:
- $29,000 to rebuild damaged section.
- $50,000 to complete rebuilding of Club.
- $21,000 for repairs to damaged section.
- Insurance cover available was about $21,000.
Next meeting 14th July 1970: "Mr. Podobnik's quote for additional work including verandahs and new aluminium windows and alterations to the front was $4,070."
Meeting 11th August 1970: "Mr. Holly submitted plans for the new section of the Clubhouse for all Committeemen to view."
Meeting 7th September 1970: "Mr. Pember advised that discharges for the release of $21,000 and $1,318 had been signed and returned to Insurance Company. Architects advised that plan should be ready this week. It has been arranged with the ANZ Bank for an overdraft up to $6,000 if required for necessary alterations to Clubhouse. Quotes being received for air conditioning of bar section.
Meeting 10th November 1970: "Foundations have been poured and the hall had almost been relined."
Meeting 8th December 1970: "Mr. Podobnik had advised that if all went well the completion of the building would be mid−January."
Meeting 12th Match 1971: "Mr. Holly advised that $3,000 had been reserved for air conditioning and as yet there had been no firm order placed. (Note: Reverse cycle air conditioning was being obtained.) Moved A. Hicks seconded P. Brennan that oil heating be installed instead of reverse cycle air conditioning."
New Course Record
Minutes of Committee Meeting 11th August 1970: "Captain's Report: Captain W. Wallis extended congratulations to Dawson HAMILTON and Cam SNOOK for each recording a record score of 68 during the Championships." (The par of the course is the present 71 and the S.S.S. was 69.)
1971 to Present (April, 1979) - Click here to view
1971 to Present (April, 1979) - Click here to view
1971 to Present (April, 1979)
Meeting of Committee on 13th April 1971: "Congratulations by Captain W. Wallis to Cam Snook for a hole in one at the 5th."
Large Membership Turnover
As an example of the large turnover in membership it is interesting to note that of the 38 new members elected on 13th April 1971 only 7 remain as present day members.
Hole in One Trophy
Committee Meeting of 14th September 1971: "Moved A. Rogers seconded J. McDermott that the Club provide a trophy for a hole−in−one and the trophy to be the mounting of the golf ball."
Committee Meeting 16th November 1971:
Finance Report: Turnover $28,320 − up approximately $10,000 on previous year.
Record Field
Captain's Report: Mixed Closing Day − a field of 123 players competed which resulted in an all−time record.
Committee Meeting 11th April 1972 − "Captain A. Rogers advised that 97 members competed on Opening Day."
35 new members and associates elected at this meeting of which nine still remain as members today.
Meeting 8th August 1972 − "Captain's Report − during month of July, Saturday attendance averaged 85 players.
Meeting 13th March 1973 − "Moved W. Wallis seconded C. Symes that the price of a 7oz Schooner be increased by one cent to 17 cents. (Note − present day price is 35 cents for a 6oz glass.)
Meeting 10th April 1973: "Captain A. Rogers reported that as has been the trend throughout the summer season fields have been at a peak since the season began − Mixed Opening Day attracted 130 plus people and Saturday fixtures since the beginning of the season have exceeded 60 players. I am personally looking for 100 or more during the winter months.
100 Players for Club Game
Meeting 10th July 1973: "Captain A. Rogers reported excellent fields despite inclement weather and 100 players for a game was finally reached.
Meeting 14th August 1973 − "Captain A. Rogers reported that although weather conditions have been against us as yet we have [Editor's Note: Text at this point has been truncated.]
Course Rating 68
Meeting 11th September 1973: "Advice received submitted by W.A.G.A. that course rating is now 68."
At this stage of its existence the Club was in an extremely favourable financial position having a $1,467 credit balance plus an amount of $1,500 on fixed deposit. The 1973 season had seen an improvement of some $4,600 in finances.
New Manager's House Purchased
Concern had been expressed for some time about the need for repairs to the Manager's residence and a quote of $4,497 was received to carry out such repairs. It was felt however, that this amount of money would be better spent in the purchase of a new transportable house, with the old house to be demolished. It was decided to obtain quotes for this and it was agreed at Committee Meeting on 11th December 1973 to accept the quote of $10,978 for the supply of such a unit for on site delivery with the allowance of further $1,000 to meet contingencies such as connecting essential services − water, light, septic, etc.
The minutes of meeting held on 12th February show that the Manager's new residence had been installed and the Club was in debit balance by $2,486 with only an amount of $239 due to be paid out on the new house.
Those Were the Days
At meeting on 9th July 1974, the following bar prices were agreed upon:
- 20 cents for 7oz Schooner (present 35 cents for 6oz)
- Carton of bottle beer (1 doz) was $5.40 (presently $10.20)
- Cans and Stubbies 29 cents each (presently 55 cents and 60 cents each)
Record Membership
Combined membership for 1973 reached a record total of 539 which dropped to 511 in 1974 and for the last year (1978) to 369.
This decade has proved to be one of the most energetic periods of the Club. Numerous mentions to improvements to facilities, expenditure on capital works and maintenance of existing items occur. As an example the following is taken out of the minutes of Committee Meeting held on 8th July 1975. "Credit balance of, $3,846 at 30th June 1975 which includes payment of $1,000 for tractor, $1,612 for office extensions and $250 for new course mower constructed by J. Humphrey.
Of the 16 Committee members serving at that time, only Messrs Ted Pope and Charlie Perks remain on Committee today and eight of the 16 Committee remain as financial members today.
At the same meeting a quote of $1,842 was accepted to install a Heatmaster hot water unit and carry out repairs and renovations to the toilet and shower room.
Inflationary Trend
A sign of the inflationary trend:
When the bar section, etc of the Clubhouse was destroyed by fire in June 1970 an amount of $21,000 was submitted by Insurance Company. It cost (with some additions) approximately $24,500 to rebuild.
Committee Meeting of 12th August 1975 (5 years later) shows the insured value of the Clubhouse at $120,000 and the Manager's residence $14,000 which was purchased in February 1974 for $9,900.
Life Membership to W.S. Pember
Annual General Meeting of 28th November 1975 bestowed Life Membership on W.S. PEMBER in recognition of his outstanding service to the Club. He joined this Club in 1955 and has been a member 1956 until 1974 had served continuously on Committee holding positions of President, Vice President, Captain, Vice Captain, Publicity Officer, Association Delegate, Social Convenor and at various times contributing as a member of the Match and Building and Finance Subcommittees.
It is interesting to note and quite dramatically points out the high turnover of membership that at the Committee Meeting held on 9th November 1976 (two−and−a−half years ago) only seven of the 16 Committeemen remain as full members and only E.W. Pope, J. Humphrey and C.J. Perks remain on the present day Committee. The other nine members have all transferred out of the Kalgoorlie district.
An interesting and varied Committee Meeting took place on 13th April 1976 and some of the points resolved are as follows:
- Inspection of premises carried out and quotes were being obtained to paint the main hall and locker room.
- Raffle of a trip to Singapore was commenced.
- Local Rule for scraping on greens was invoked.
- Area around all par 3 greens to be marked as fairway.
- Practise tees and fairways (Nos 1 and 18) defined.
- Tractor seized up and estimate of $400 for repairs.
- As a result decided to retain other tractor.
- Regular maintenance to be carried out on all machines.
- Decided to install sand tees to course for all weather conditions and wearing of spikes.
- Pennants (E.G.G.A.) were re−introduced.
- Pool table positioned in bar area.
Request to Surrender Lease
Special Committee Meeting convened on Friday 25th June 1976 was attended by 13 Committeemen and was primarily called to discuss the following matters:
"The Lands Department has submitted a written request that this Club surrender its present leases to the Golf Course and Clubhouse so that a Recreation Reserve could be created as part of the "green belt" project around Kalgoorlie−Boulder. The Finance and House Committee had considered this in conjunction with legal advice received on proposals and has now made an initial approach to the Town of Kalgoorlie advising that creation of a Recreation Reserve with them having the vested control was desired after which they would in turn lease the land back to this Club on a long−term basis. If this was accepted it appeared that the Club could benefit by not paying Council rates in future and also we would be able to utilise the Council's resources, i.e. loans (if finance required), manpower and equipment."
(It is worth noting that at this time Council rates had escalated to $930 p.a.)
Considerable correspondence took place regarding this and at a Special Committee Meeting held on 3rd November 1976, the following was resolved:
- "President Hicks advised that this meeting had been called to present the final details and legal advice received concerning the surrendering of the Special Leases we presently hold over the course and Clubhouse and the creation of a Recreation Reserve in their place.
- The Secretary read correspondence submitted by the Department of Local Government and also Bannerman & Lalor, Solicitors. In Mr. Bannerman's view it appeared the Club would be better suited by having a Recreation Reserve created in the names of the Trustees of our Club and upon creation of such Reserve felt that we could successfully claim exemption of the payment of rates.
- After full discussion during which several points were brought out it was moved by T. Pope seconded W. Steel that a Recreation Reserve be created over our Special Leases, vested in the names of Trustees of this Club. CARRIED."
Kalgoorlie Classic ProAm
The forward thinking policy of the then Committee is recorded in the following extract taken out of the Committee Meeting minutes of 9th November 1976:
"President Hicks advised that there is a distinct possibility of staging a "Kalgoorlie Classic" Pro−Am event at this Club next year. It has been referred to the P.G.A. for their approval and allocation of dates and sponsorship of the event is being arranged."
Extracts out of Committee Meeting held on 13th December 1976:
"President Pope moved for the suspension of Standing Orders and introduced Mr. Michael Sweet, Public Relations Officer for the Kalgoorlie−Boulder Tourist Bureau, to the meeting. He was accompanied by Mr. A. Hicks. They expanded on and brought Committee up to date on the arrangements for the Professional Golf Tournament to be at this Club on 1st to 3rd April 1977. Mr. Sweet also enlarged on local sponsorship required on the basis of $250 to $300 per hole. A number of questions were asked and answered at the conclusion of which Messrs Sweet and Hicks left the meeting."
"President Pope sought a motion of approval for the formation of the Steering Committee in connection with the Professional Golf Tournament. At this stage the Club is trying to arrange the running of the tournament and if sponsors are not forthcoming then it can be cancelled. It was moved T. Durkin seconded G. Esmond that the Steering Committee's action be endorsed. CARRIED. It was suggested that local sponsors be obtained by selling each hole on the course at a price of $300."
By an energetic and zestful approach by the whole Committee the inaugural "Kalgoorlie Golf Classic" was organised and completed in just 3 months.
It was a great event and undoubtedly one of the highlights of the Club's history. It has continued each year and now occupies a permanent spot on the Goldfields, West Australian and Australian golfing calendar. It led to a rejuvenation of the Club in that the inaugural event provided the impetus for the whole Club membership to get together and work towards the success of it. The staging of the event has brought many benefits to the Club with improved capital works projects being undertaken and maintenance and renovation of existing facilities.
Gale's Course Record
The success of the inaugural tournament probably lingers most in the minds of those associated with it because so much was achieved in such a short time and also because the winning score put up by Terry GALE with round of 69 − 67 − 63 total 199 for the 54 holes with his final round of 63 being a course record.

Gold and White
It is surprising that although mention is made to obtaining Club flags, pockets and blazers throughout the various years no mention appears in the minutes regarding official Club colours until this extract out of minutes of Committee Meeting held on 8th February 1977:
"9. Suggested that hats and shirts with Club emblem be purchased − G. Stiles to look into this. Club colours are Gold and White."
New Trustees
At Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 9th May 1979, Messrs S.J. WINCHCOMB, E.W. POPE and B.F. PAVLINOVICH were appointed the current Trustees of the Club.
The matter of successfully running the Club at this stage required a large amount of work. Turnover was in the vicinity of $80,000 p.a. and it is interesting to note that the minutes of Committee Meeting held on 13th June 1979 contained six−and−a−half pages of typewritten detail. Meetings over this time normally averaged about three−to−four typewritten pages.
Conclusion - Click Here to view
Conclusion - Click Here to view
In writing this brief history of the Kalgoorlie Golf Club, I became most appreciative of the enormous amount of tradition and culture that has evolved within our Club. The fact that Minute and Competition books dating back to the 19th April 1899 are available is one facet of the Club's operations which indicates the responsible attitude taken by all voluntary office bearers over the last 80 years.
Economics have obviously played a big part in the success of the Club and for a number of decades it was fully self supporting with the services of a Bar Manager, paid help on the course and the weekly employment of green boys being regular features in having the course and Clubhouse ready for the members.
The fact that this continues today with only a very few member self−help working parties on the course is indicative of a continuing tradition of the Club.
Without doubt we possess probably the best sand green course in the State and the fact that it has been recognised as such since 1907 is another indication of the tremendous tradition created by our forebears and a sign of the remarkable achievements made throughout the years.
In keeping with the fine playing conditions of the course, the Club has also provided first class ongoing Clubhouse facilities and in the opinion of a Licensing Court Inspector given in 1976, our Clubhouse was rated as the best country Club in Western Australia.
It is obvious that what has been built up over the last 80 years should be most jealously guarded and protected and all present day endeavours should be directed at maintaining the high level of performance achieved by the Kalgoorlie Golf Club.
19th April 1979
[Editor's Note: The following update section was provided by Syd Winchcomb in April 1996.]
As the club moves towards its centenary in 1999 it is an opportune time to update the history of the club to the present day so that a complete and current account of the business and affairs of it can be maintained.
The following pages represent the recent history of the Kalgoorlie Golf Club and follow on in sequence of all that which has been printed previously in this report. We commence starting early 1979 period. The history up to 19th April 1979 actually covered the first eighty years of the club's existence.
1979−1980 - Click Here to view
1979−1980 - Click Here to view
The committee meeting held on 13th February 1979 recorded that Harley Walker had retired and was soon to leave the district. He had been a member of the club for 31 years and had served on the committee for a great length of time, mainly as the greens convenor.
Harley was responsible for the fast, true greens that were to become a hallmark of the Kalgoorlie golf course and he had it down to such a fine art that he had separate recipes of so much yellow sand and so much oil for each green. The application of sand and oil was very strictly supervised.
Club Colours − Royal Blue and Gold
The committee meeting of 7th August 1979 resolved that the official colours of the club would be royal blue and gold.
Tradition Continues
The club holds some prestigious and valuable cups and other trophies for play by members during the year and the oldest of these dates back to 1906. In a recent valuation a local jeweller advised that one such perpetual trophy was valued at a minimum of $3,500 mainly because it would be difficult to replace should it be misplaced or lost. At a committee meeting held on 9th October 1979 it was resolved that all perpetual cups and trophies remain in the clubhouse at all times and that the winner's name be engraved on the cup by the club. Cups and trophies to be displayed prominently in the clubhouse.
[Editor's Note: In addition to these major perpetual awards the strong tradition of competing for perpetual trophies continues through to this day with the following awarded for major events throughout the year:
- Speak Cup − Club Champion (introduced in 1911);
- Hocking Plate − B Grade Champion;
- Ray Moore Trophy − C Grade Champion;
- W.D. Steel Memorial − Veteran Champion;
- David Knop Plate − Matchplay Champion;
- Foundry Cup;
- Seco Cup;
- Drillers & Services Cup;
- KMA Cup;
- Nobel Cup;
- Hodgson Memorial Cup;
- Hadfields Cup;
- George Moss Trophy;
- Kalgoorlie Diamonds Trophy;
- Fraser & Chalmers Cup;
- Cliff Morton Consistency;
- Golinski Trophy; and
- Muschamp Cup.]
Life Membership to J.A.C. Hicks
On 2nd December 1979 the club bestowed Life Membership on J.A.C. (Alan) Hicks in recognition of his long service to the club.
The committee of the club had always maintained good dress standards and strict code of behaviour requirements. Indicative of this was the report that a special meeting of the committee held on 21st May 1980 to discuss and interview the members concerned who were involved in a fracas within the clubhouse. After hearing all stories the committee suspended one member by using club premises and facilities for a period of two months and a letter of reprimand was forwarded to the other member.
A special general meeting of the club was held on 22nd August 1980 to discuss:
- Alteration of the bar to a rectangular shape, and
- Provide a new cold room with access through glass doors to the bar area.
These were agreed and it was agreed to pay for the cost of this work by raising $50 repayable debenture obtained by members. $1,900 was pledged at the meeting itself. Subsequently an amount of $10,000 was raised for the proposed work.
1981 - 1989 - Click Here to view
1981 - 1989 - Click Here to view
Request for Access to Retreated Effluent
At the committee meeting held on 14th July 1981 the following matter was recorded:
President reported that recently he had written to the Town of Kalgoorlie with a request that they install a PVC main, in conjunction with the sewerage main to the new Hannans sub−division, to carry retreated water to the boundary of our course. There was some urgency to the matter because of the impending completion of works in the area.
A meeting between the Town of Kalgoorlie and representatives of this club and the RS golf club had been arranged for Thursday, 9th July.
The Lands Department and the Town of Kalgoorlie required parts of the RS golf course for residential purposes. It was considered that there was room only for one grassed golf course in Kalgoorlie and the Town of Kalgoorlie was treating the President's letter as an application for retreated water to this club.
They further considered that our course was not really suitable for residential development because it abutted the Leonora railway line and it appeared a reasonable proposition for the two clubs to amalgamate. Compensation for RS improvements was mentioned. The cost of laying the PVC main to carry the water was estimated at $14,000.
It was a bit of a grey area at this stage but the Town Clerk felt that the council may bear the cost of this main as they had not charged any other sporting body before. Against this was the fact that if this club paid for the PVC main it would be difficult for any other body to tap into it and possibly the water would be supplied for nothing or at a reduced rate.
Normal charge for retreated water was 9.5 cents per kilolitre. The Town of Kalgoorlie could also make available the services of irrigation and horticultural experts to assist, at their cost.
RS golf club had advised the Town of Kalgoorlie meeting that they were not in a position to grass their course. The Town of Kalgoorlie had now written to them requesting a final decision by 3rd August 1981 for presentation to council.
Each committee member present was given his chance to air his views on the proposition and it was finally moved by G. Rundle and seconded K. Moir that the actions taken so far be fully endorsed and the matter be quickly pursued by carrying out a detailed feasibility study of obtaining retreated water to this course for the grassing of fairways. Unanimously carried.
Life Membership to C.J. Perks
At the annual general meeting of the club held on 6th December 1981 Charles John Perks was elected a Life Member of the club.
Classic Prize Money Reduced
Because of the lack of sponsorship monies the "Kalgoorlie Golf Classic" prize money was cut to $7,500 plus $500 prize money for the Friday Pro−Am.
Grass Trial Plots
The matter of having retreated water pumped to the course had floundered at this time however the matter of providing some sort of grass cover on our fairways was ever present and at a committee meeting held on18th June 1982 the following was recorded:
President S. Winchcomb advised that this meeting had been convened to consider the planting of a few trial plots of clover or similar grass on the course to test the growing capacity of the area under winter conditions.
The President introduced Mr. Don Burnside of the Agricultural Department who advised the meeting the best type of clover and how the clover should be planted. He advised that a lot of the course had suitable ground but growth would depend on winter rains. He also suggested that where grass was presently growing on the course some fertiliser could be spread on these areas to help natural growth.
On the motion of R. Dolan and seconded D. Proud that we proceed with three trial plots (on the first, tenth and eleventh fairways) at an estimated cost of $100. Carried.
Life Membership to Mrs. A. Kyle and Mrs. A. Marmion
At the annual general meeting on 28th November 1982 two Associates, Agnes Kyle and Alma Marmion, were made Life Members of the club
Normal business affairs of the club proceeded with nothing of real note recorded.
Associates Go Alone on Club Colours
On 11th September 1984 the Associate members of the club requested that navy blue and pale blue be adopted as club colours. Committee decided to stay with traditional navy* blue and gold and as a consequence the Associates adopted the two blues as their colours. [* Editor's note: The committee meeting of 7th August 1979 resolved that the official colours of the club would be royal blue and gold.]
Life Membership to E.W. Pope
At the annual general meeting held on 2nd December 1984 E.W. (Ted) Pope was elected to Life Membership of the club in recognition of his services to the club.
Contractor K. Llewellyn was engaged to erect a brick fence to the front part of the premises stretching at the front of the manager's residence down and adjacent to the first tee in McKenzie Street. This was a major improvement and certainly provided the club with a solid, clean and permanent appearance.
Grass Course Discussions
Regular meetings were being held to discuss the possibility of establishing a grass golf course in Kalgoorlie. These were being arranged by the regional administrator, Doug Daws, who favoured the Gribble Creek area south of the race course as the likely site. Subsequent investigations proved that there was insufficient ground available at this site.
On 14th May 1985 committee agreed to employ maintenance staff for work on the course two days per week and the manager to be responsible for the bar requirements and general cleaning plus the clubhouse and residence grounds.
Life Membership to W.T. Wallis
At the annual general meeting held on 8th December 1985 Life Membership of the club was awarded to W.T. (Bill) Wallis who originally joined the club in 1939 and was club champion in 1944.
Grass: Members Agree
At the annual general meeting held on 14th December 1986 the greens convenor, S.J. Winchcomb, gave notice of motion that the matter of grassing the golf course and reticulation of it receive discussion with a view to an agreement in principle to proceed with such idea. The members present accepted this and agreed with and confirmed the agreement in principle.
The greens committee of S.J. Winchcomb (convenor), F. Hoad, D. Norrie and A. Crook received the initial report of irrigation consultant, P. Buck, on the requirement to grass the fairways of the course using retreated effluent by the Town of Kalgoorlie sewerage ponds.
In a general acceptance of this document it was agreed to use it as a basis to prepare a suitable paper on the project for presentation to the committee and members.
To spark interest amongst the members the "turkey's nest" holding dam between the eleventh tee and twelfth fairway was marked out and flagged.
At a meeting held on 19th May 1987 the club provided a three−year plan of action for the grassing of the fairways of the course and the Town of Kalgoorlie gave their agreement in principle to the proposal.
However, on 18th August 1987 the Town of Kalgoorlie reversed their agreement in principle and announced that they would meet with representatives of the Kalgoorlie and RS golf clubs to discuss a grassed golf course at a new location.
A subsequent approach by this club to the Town of Kalgoorlie resulted in a deputation of the greens committee to the Town of Kalgoorlie on 15th September 1987. The works committee of the council gave total support to the greens committee proposal with the result that the Town of Kalgoorlie reversed their earlier decision of meeting with both clubs and agreed to supply retreated effluent to the Kalgoorlie golf course.
At a special general meeting of members held on 14th November 1987 the proposal to grass the fairways of the course and authorise the committee to raise the necessary finance to do so was approved.
Supply Pipe Sourced
A lot of preparatory work was undertaken: The course was surveyed for heights, locations, ditching requirements and dam construction, etc. Various plans were looked at and innumerable meetings held.
It appeared quite opportune that a mining company advertised for sale some four−inch black poly pipe at their mine some twelve miles north of Coolgardie and the club submitted a successful offer for this. On the 29th June 1988 the committee agreed to the purchase of 2200 metres of four−inch black poly pipe to enable retreated effluent water to be pumped to the course. By prior negotiation with the Town of Kalgoorlie it was agreed that we could join the Town of Kalgoorlie line at the connection point at Hammond Park. The offered price was $2 per metre for the 2200 metres and we ended up with about 3000 metres of it plus some two and three inch sized pipe as well.
The greens committee organised a busy bee of thirty members plus wives who visited the site and cut the pipe into fifteen−metre lengths and loaded these onto a semi−trailer for transport back to Kalgoorlie. At the same time Steve Bellin was engaged to dig a metre−deep trench starting at the Hammond Park connection to the course. The only road we had to trench and repair was in front of the cemetery. Also at this time work had commenced on the sinking and construction of the holding dam near the eleventh tee. This was eventually built in a rectangular shape.
Supply Line Laid
At the 19th July 1988 meeting that committee was informed that the black poly pipe was ready to be laid into the trench. The pipe lengths were "hot−welded" together and the trench covered in.
Application for Self−Supporting Loan
The total cost of all this work including the purchase of the pipe was $12,000 and the club at this time also lodged an application with the Town of Kalgoorlie for a self−supporting loan of $100,000 to meet the cost of reticulation work on the course. On 11th July the Town of Kalgoorlie gave approval for us to connect into their line at Hammond Park.
Water Arrives on Course
On 31st August 1988 water was pumped into the holding dam at the course for the first time. This was only two months after the black poly for the supply line was purchased at Coolgardie and the construction of the holding dam was commenced.
Pump Shed and reticulation
At the committee meeting held on 20th September 1988 it was noted that with our holding dam filling up the next stage of the project should proceed. It was felt the club was heading into one of the most important, if not the most important, stage of its history and development. The next stage involved setting up and erection of a pump shed adjacent to the dam and plans for reticulation of the fairways.
Loan Approved
The Town of Kalgoorlie approved the self−supporting loan of $100,000 to be available for November 1988. In discussion on this it was resolved that the agreement be signed under seal and it was considered that we should insist on a clause that if water is withdrawn by the Town of Kalgoorlie then this club will not be responsible for the balance of the loan outstanding at the time of the withdrawal. (The Town of Kalgoorlie never really gave this undertaking although they did continuously pump water to the course - 31st August 1988 until March 1990 excepting for a two−week break in the intervening months of January. This continuous pumping indicated to the club committee that the Town of Kalgoorlie had undertaken a commitment to the project of supplying retreated effluent water to our course for the provision of grass fairways.)
Phase One Irrigation Equipment Purchased
On 14th January 1989 the following minute was recorded at a committee meeting:
Business of meeting: President Eade advised that this meeting had been called to discuss the quotes received for the supply of materials to reticulate the fairways of the course and asked greens convenor, S.J. Winchcomb, to speak on this and his written report was circularised to the committee. S.J. Winchcomb spoke to his report and noted that Southern Cross Irrigation had promised further support in overseeing the installation of piping and sprinklers by us. They will also supply detailed and enlarged plans of the specific parts of the installations. He had been through all quotes in a thorough fashion and considered only those submitted by Hugall and Hoile, Aquamatic and Southern Cross Irrigation worth consideration and recommended that the quote of $31,965 submitted by Southern Cross Irrigation to do phase one of our plan be accepted. This included the provision of automatic controllers.
There was some general discussion and questions were answered and it was moved by E.W. Pope and seconded B. Pavlinovich that the quote for $31,965 submitted by Southern Cross Irrigation to do phase one of our course (holes one, nine, ten, eleven and eighteen) be accepted. Carried.
Amalgamation Proposed
At a meeting held on 18th April 1989 the following information was recorded:
President H. Eade brought the meeting up to date with the recent visit to the club by Mr. Ian Taylor M.L.A. Mr. Taylor saw first hand the progress we mad made in the grassing of the course and was quite amazed at the progress we had made. He was opposed to the new RS golf club set−up and was not popular at that club but was firmly convinced that there should be only one developed golf course in Kalgoorlie and one in Boulder. He proposed an amalgamation of clubs and advised that there would be some monies available for work here eventually. He suggested that a meeting of clubs take place after the council elections. If the present RS course was sold for residential he considered that monies received would be spread amongst all sporting bodies. Mr. Taylor also appeared quite keen on the construction of a fresh water dam to enable harvesting of storm water run−off.
After general discussion it was moved by G. Stiles and seconded by S.J. Winchcomb that we advise Ian Taylor that this club is prepared to meet with the RS golf club to discuss the matter. Carried unanimously.
Phase One Completed
At the following committee meeting on 16th May 1989 it was reported that the reticulation had had its first successful tryout as follows:
S.J. Winchcomb reported that all connections were complete on phase one of the grassing project and a quick tryout of station seven on fairway eleven was successful this afternoon. It was generally agreed that some form of grass should be planted now and this was to be investigated. Another tractor was also to be purchased.
Seed Sown And Official Opening
The rapid flow of events continued because at the very next committee meeting held on 20th June 1989 it was reported as follows:
S.J. Winchcomb reported on the general condition of the course noting that persistent rain had made it difficult to consistently rake up the greens. Reticulation on holes one, nine, ten, eleven and eighteen completed and holes one, eleven and eighteen sown with seed. Course grassing project officially opened on Saturday, 17th June 1989 by Mr. Ian Taylor M.L.A.
It was also reported that up until 20th June 1989 a total amount of $69,720 had been expended on the course grassing project.
Application for 1993 State Sand Greens Championships
At the September 1989 meeting it was agreed that we apply for the 1993 State Sand Greens Championships to coincide with Kalgoorlie's centenary.
It was agreed that phase two be proceeded with early and 17th October 1989 an amount of $31,500 was authorised as expenditure on piping, solenoids, etc. plus seed and superphosphate on holes twelve, fourteen, fifteen and sixteen.
Bassett and Norton Recognised
Also at this meeting the committee recognised the efforts of M. Bassett and R. Norton for work on the course and organised that certificates of appreciation be presented to them and that their membership fees be waived.
Figures for the 1989 year showed a total income of $101,567 and a gross profit of $42,562.
Life Membership to S.J. Winchcomb
At the annual general meeting held on 10th December 1989 the club awarded Life Membership to S.J. Winchcomb in recognition of his long service to the club.
It was also agreed at this meeting that life members would be presented with a badge signifying such membership.
1990 - 1999 - Click here to view
1990 - 1999 - Click here to view
It was reported at the 20th February meeting that the major part of the work on the course reticulation had been completed with holes one, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, fourteen, sixteen and eighteen reticulated and holes one, nine, ten, eleven and eighteen sown to grass. It was intended to sow the others as soon as possible and a mower, disc plough and other items of equipment had been purchased.
Member Loans
To complete the reticulation work a special general meeting of members was held on 7th July 1990 and it was put to members that to complete the reticulation works on course that members provide loans (of $100 each) to the club, interest free, repayable at a future time when the club was in a position to do so. This was carried by 97% of those members present and also absentee votes.
This was subsequently organised and by 18th September an amount of $6,700 was contributed which increased to $9,800 by the following month and the commencement of the final phase of reticulation.
Life Membership to Mrs. L.E. Winchcomb
At the annual general meeting of the club held on 9th December 1990 Life Membership was bestowed on the Associates President, Mrs. L.E. Winchcomb, in recognition of her services to both the Associates and the Club itself.
Project Complete
In January 1991 it was reported that all course reticulation work was now complete.
Prior to this the City Council had advised that they intended to impose a charge of 9.5 cents per kilolitre of water supplied to the club. On required usage it appeared that this would run into an amount of about $19,000 per year and also appeared to be in breach of the original agreement with the Town of Kalgoorlie.
Moratorium on Charges
A meeting of the local representatives on the City Council was organised and they agreed to promote a moratorium on such charges for three years to enable the grassing project to be finalised producing additional income for the club.
Lack of Water
The City Council agreed with such approach however very little water was pumped to the course in the subsequent period and the majority of our "grassed fairways" died off. When some water eventually became available it was necessary to re−seed all areas.
The matter eventually reached the situation where it was recorded on 21st May 1991:
Because of the frustrations occurring through lack of retreated water and in reply to the City Council's letter of 14th May if was moved we invite the Town Clerk, City Engineer, Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Councillor D. Jones to attend a meeting with the full committee of this club to discuss the effluent water problem.
Supply Improves
This was arranged and a full fifteen committee members attended. The supply of retreated water to the course improved after this meeting.
Storm water Catchment Considered
In an effort to improve the quantity of water available the club looked at damming the storm water run−off supplied by the Nankerville Road estate and made application to construct a holding dam on the course near the Associates number three tee. The idea was to immediately pump this catchment water into the main holding dam near number eleven tee.
"Softer" Greens
In February 1992 Colin Lonsdale replaced the first green with a new concept of yellow sand and finely sieved slag which when mixed together was then lightly oiled. This was done as a trial because it was considered necessary to present a "softer" green to hold approach shots played at the grassed fairways.
The trial proved successful and all greens have now been "softened" up. This took the club away its traditional hard and fast greens which would not hold a pitch shot.
1993 State Sands Awarded
It was reported at the October 1992 committee meeting that Mr. G. Fitzhardinge, Executive Director of the Western Australian Golf Association, had visited Kalgoorlie and played a game at our course. As a result he considered the course most suitable to conduct the 1993 State Sand Greens Championships in the month of August. He expressed pleasure at the way the course was presented especially considering the lack of retreated effluent water.
Gaby Wins Sands
The State Sand Greens Championship proceeded in August 1993 and Peter Gaby of the Boulder Golf Club (and also a member of this club) was successful with rounds of 70 and 66 (six under par). Peter subsequently went on to win the Australian Championships which were held in Hay, New South Wales.
On 13th September 1993 the committee agreed that the original minute books of the club be passed to and be held by the Goldfields Museum as a way of ensuring their preservation.
[Editor's Note: Entries below here forward have been added ad hoc by Paul Tonkin as information comes to hand.]
Edwards Equals Course Record
Reigning Club Champion, Paul Edwards, playing off a 2 handicap shot a course record-equalling 63 on 27th November, 1993. Carding nine birdies and one bogey for an eight-under-par total Edwards' effort tied professional Terry Gale's record set in the inaugural Kalgoorlie Golf Classic sixteen years earlier on 3rd April, 1977.
Regarded as one of the best workers of the ball to have played in the Goldfields, Edwards' stellar career at the Kalgoorlie Golf Club included ten Club Championships and nine Kalgoorlie Classic Championships over the period 1984 to 2009.
2000 - 2010 - Click Here to view
2000 - 2010 - Click Here to view
Visting Western Australian Golf Club (Yokine), Ms. Belinda Wilkinson playing off scratch carded two birdies and one bogey in the opening round of the 2003 Kalgoorlie Classic on 1st June to post a new Ladies' course record of one-under-par 70.
Last King Scroungers Event

A curtain was drawn on another Kalgoorlie Golf Club institution on 8th September 2010 with the staging of the final King Scroungers event at the Kalgoorlie Golf Club. Harking back to the days where Wednesday afternoons were generally work-free (in lieu of working Saturday mornings) scroungers golf was a regular feature at the Lamington links and provided a welcome break to work in the middle of the week.